
The Curse

Wait is a four letter word.

Do you disagree? How do you react when someone says it to you? Do your teeth clench? Does your neck tense up? Does your breathing change? See... it is a type of curse.

Maybe less a profanity than a curse in the fairy tale sense of the word. In fairy tales, evil witches run amok, wreaking havoc and casting curses willy-nilly. "Your parents didn't invite me to your birthday party? I shall curse you!"

Sure, once in a while there may be a reason for the curse. Some unfriendly or arrogant soul has a lesson to learn, and the witch helps him learn it by changing him to a beast, or frog, or tree -usually without warning- until he figures it out for himself. Let me just say that I'm not a big fan of this discovery learning. There are too many possibilities.  If you guess wrong you've wasted a lot of time, and you've still got to live with the curse.


This is the story of my life. Or at least of the last decade or so. Only God knows how much longer this story will last. I only hope it ends like the fairy tales. You know... "and they all lived happily ever after."
For that, I will wait.

Let me introduce myself. I am Tami Lakin-Daniels. I am a receptionist for a pediactric dentist. I teach Sunday School at my church. I am 30, and I am single. Aside from that last bit, I'm very happy with my life. It's that last bit that kills me.

My heart tells me I'm not going to be alone forever. My faith tells me that God's got a plan. I trust Him, so I wait.

I wait, and try to learn.

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