
Wedding Season (2)

I sat there staring at that blasted response card longer than I should. Of course there was always the option of going unescorted. Half the guest list would be friends of mine. I wouldn't be standing alone all night or anything.

Finally, I offered a little prayer for guidance and tacked it to the calendar. It was Saturday, and so I didn't have to decide right away. I had a few days, at least.

I went about my business for the rest of the week, deliberately ignoring that card.

Sunday I went to church, as usual. I belong to a great little non-denominational community church called Grace Church. Actually, I guess it's not so little anymore. When Lena first invited me to attend with her - back when I was a newly relocated HS freshman trying to adjust to life in yet another town - there had been MAYBE 100 members. In the 6 (or is it 7?) years since we've grown a lot. Last fall we added a second service. I help out in children's church during the first service, and then attend the second service. Lena works in the children's church with me. Jade helps with "staging" for the services - setting up any props or lights the pastor might need. Since she and I are roommates, we usually ride in together. It's fun being "in" on the behind the scenes work at the church. There's about 30 of us "helping hands" scurrying around making sure everything is ready bright and early every week. I love it.

After church, I go over to my parents house for lunch. Sometimes Jade and Lena come with, but not this week. This week they decided to go to the movies instead. Lunch with my parents is always a great distraction.

Monday through Thursday I had classes at the community college for a good chunk of the day. I took some time off from my education after high-school, and decided to start back in by getting my 2-year Associate of Arts degree. By April I would have all the credits I needed. I was already applying to four year colleges for next fall.
Each day, after I finished class, I drove my beat-up little Honda hatchback to the quiet little family-owned Mexican restaurant where I waited tables. I was the only "gringa," or white girl, working there, but the owners were like my second family. Four nights a week I worked short swing shifts - mainly helping out during the busy dinner rush. On Saturdays, though, I worked all day with the two youngest daughters, while the older daughter and son handeled the many catering events the family booked. Saturdays were when I usually made my money for the week. On school days, I'd arrive a bit early adnd work on my homework before my shift started. Parked in a back booth, with a cup of coffee and some nachos, it was easy for me to get work done on my laptop while the restaurant bustled on around me.
After work I headed for the apartment Jade and I shared in one of the oldest neighborhoods in our little town. The neighborhood itself had been built when the first railroads were laid connecting the eastern cities to our western wilderness. Although our apartment was somewhat more modern than that, the electricity and plumbing often didn't seem to be. Still, the landlord was easy-going and really loved us as tennants. We paid our bills on time and didn't party or complain. So what if the fridge actually had an icebox? There were tall trees out the window and a grocery store two blocks away. It was great.

Fridays were my day to myself. Usually I slept in, then caught up on laundry and other house work. If errands had to be run, Friday was the day for that, too. Friday nights a group of us usually went out. This particular week Jade, Addie, Lillian and I had planned a ladies night out to see one of our favorite Christian comediannes (yes, Christians are funny, too). Lena, of course, was working on a show - as she was most evenings and weekends.

Since we were carpooling from my place, the plan was for everyone to meet up there. Addie was the first to arrive. Since I wasn't quite ready, I told her to help herself to a drink in the 'fridge while I finished my hair. She must have noticed the invitation on the bulletin board over my counter, because next thing I knew she was in my room, waving the RSVP card at me.
"Why haven't you sent this yet?" She demanded. "Gareth and I are counting on your being there. WE didn't really know Karen until you introduced us. We don't know too many of her other friends. You have to go!"
"I'm going," I said, calmly. "I just don't know if I'm bringing a date or not."
"Oh." Addie's silence was akward. She's never silent. I could tell she was embarrased.
"No worries. I can go by myself. Like you said, I've known Karen longer than many of the guests. It's okay. I was just kind of hoping a date would miraculously appear this week so I'd get to dance while I'm there." I tried to laugh it off. Really I had spent most of the week trying NOT to think about it. I guess it was time to make up my mind.
"Why don't you just ask Adal to escort you?"
Of course! Adal. Why didn't I think of him, myself? He was like a brother to me, and there was no need to worry that anyone would get the wrong impression about us. Even if he had his own invite, he wouldn't bring a date. He didn't like to parade his social life in front of strangers, and weddings were full of strangers in the form of the families of the couples. Adal would be the perfect wedding date!

I called him right away and asked. He had not been invited. He would be delighted to be my escort. He was glad I had thought of him. He'd even go shopping with me for my dress.
What a guy!

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